
Monday, September 16, 2013

Ubuntu: wifi(wireless) connection fails?

In secured network setup like in your office, if you try to connect to office wifi, it will keep asking for proper 'authentication' popping up userid and password window forever, although credentials are correct!.

So, how to overcome this error and make your ubuntu laptop connect to wifi ?

While connecting to wifi, if you observe the syslog closely, you will find that target router keeps cancelling connection request with the reason ' unable to get local issuer certificate...'.

What is happening in the background is, the wireless service on ubuntu, eduroam, is forcing CA certification validation, from your client PC also. Usually your laptops are not CA certified, isn't it?.

So open your target wifi config file

sudo vim /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<wifi i want to connect to>

change 'system-ca-cert=true' to 'system-ca-cert=false'.

I hope it should start working for you now !.

Otherwise, go back to syslog and see what's messed up!.